Sunday, May 24, 2009

Human Brain

The brain is the centre of the nervous system.It is located in all vertebrae and most imvertebae animals.It is close to the primary apparatus of vision,sense,balance,hearing and tasting.Our brain can be highly complex.Their are more than 100 billion neurons connected with 10 thousand synaptic connections each.These neurons communicate with others with the means of long protoplasmic fibres called axons.
Even single celled organisms have the capibility to test their environment and response to it.It is very intresting to know that our brain can store 500 britannica encyclopedia and can learn at the speed of 100 kb per second.But still their are more things to be discovered.
Isn't our brain a miracle!So let's take of this miracle and do not waste it.


  1. स्‍वागत है जूही
    ब्‍लॉग विश्‍व में
    महकोगे जूही की तरह
    अपने सद्विचारों के साथ
    मिला हाथ से हाथ।

  2. वेलकम है इस ब्लाग जगत मे
